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Why direct mail still matters to millennials

Despite being hooked on smartphones, tablets and social media, an online survey conducted by the United States Postal Service shows that the millennial generation is still influenced by direct mail. While the white paper, released in April 2016, focused on the relationship between millennials and political mail, we can draw plenty of inferences about how direct mail still matters to younger consumers — especially since millennial homeowners are a growing demographic.

Millennials get excited about direct mail
Since younger, tech-savvy consumers are more likely to receive their credit card statements electronically or read the news on a tablet, items sent by direct mail have more of an opportunity to stand out. According to a 2015 Gallup poll, 36 percent of those under 30 “look forward to checking the mail each day”. A USPS Household Diary Study from 2014 also found that 41 percent of 22 to 24 year olds and 37 percent of 25 to 34 year olds will immediately read mail that’s sent to their house.

Direct mail gets millennials talking and taking action
Based on the survey results most recently released, millennials are more likely to discuss political mail with others – 78 percent compared to 63 percent of non-millennials. The survey also showed that direct mail encourages millennials to learn more about political candidates by searching the internet or going to the candidate’s website. 78 percent of millennials use political mail as a reminder to vote compared to 58 percent of non-millennials.

Applications to real estate
If direct mail gets millennials excited and talking about politics, the same could be said for mail about the real estate market. Providing helpful tips or compelling information could encourage a millennial to chat with friends or family members about the real estate market and start thinking about buying. Like a reminder to vote, direct mail could serve as a prompt to call a real estate agent, visit an open house or learn more about a prospective agent or housing trend on the internet.

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