

Direct mail trends predict growth
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Direct mail trends predict growth

Direct mail advertisements are still going strong. Despite the growth of digital advertisements, direct mail continues to proliferate as an efficient, proven marketing strategy. While direct mail took a hit following the 2008 recession, the rates have since stabilized. And, in fact, according to Experian Data Quality Group, total spending on print advertising mail is expected to rise from 11 percent to 12 percent by the year 2020.

Why is direct mail growing?

Providers of direct mail have a positive view on the growth of the industry as most predict an increase in volume over the coming years. They attribute the growth to improvements in digital colour printing that help to make direct mail advertisements look more enticing. Better targeting and personalization of mail also contributes to predicted growth.

Direct mail is more effective than digital ads

The predicted increase is also due to the fact that direct mail is still more effective than digital advertising at reaching consumers. While many delete advertising emails before they’re even opened, 70 to 80 percent of consumers open ad mail even if they consider it “junk”. Studies also revealed that 70 percent of American consumers thought physical mail was more personal than email.

A better return on investment

For real estate agents watching their dollars, spends in marketing strategy and advertisement can be analyzed to get a sense of the business that results from it. According to the Direct Marketing Association, the average return on investment for direct mail campaigns is 13 to 1. American advertisers spent $167 per person on direct mail and saw $2,095-worth of goods sold as a result – an incredible 1,300 percent return. The popular American department store Neiman Marcus claims to make $4 for every $1 it spends creating and mailing catalogs.

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